Good Morning Fellow Patriots!
What a mess!!! Who can believe what the current Administration is up to?! Good grief. Poor Texas is frozen solid, the COVID response Biden promised he had in hand, and would implement as soon as he and Kamala got in office, did not even exist (no surprise), and they both, intentionally, dropped the plan for distribution of the vaccine, that was put in place through the military by Project Warp Speed, and was at the ready! Instead Biden and Harris, tried to blame Trump, and pass it off as if they had to start from scratch. LIES!!! Not to mention the vast number of executive orders Biden is feebly signing as pay back to colleagues and government officials, for keeping his backroom deals on the down low, and the paying off for the billions, he, his family, and his cohorts received from China, Ukraine, and who knows, who else.
Now, Biden is again hiding in his basement avoiding the whole thing. I certainly hope the rest of America is taking note. And do so, BEFORE, we allow much more of this deliberate, social engineering through misinformation trafficking and forced compliance by this administration. This appears to all be, so Biden can further pander to the Left's radical agenda and the Green New Deal.
Let's face it, we ALL agree with saving our environment and generating, new and renewable, means of supplying energy, but these clowns in office are running with half baked ideas that are not thoroughly thought through. This Administration simply forages ahead, as if they have all the answers, and hide the facts and information from the public, in effort to deceive voters into their support. It's all based on emotion, not facts, and sold by the media to the public. Now here we are with an entire state suffering UNECESSARILY, all for their political agenda.
What is wrong with people that they are willing to deceive themselves and others so routinely? It appears, trickery, is now a badge to be worn proudly, as politicians and media; cheat, lie, steal, deceive, divide, and cancel, fellow citizens, for merely expressing a difference of opinion.
News and facts are absent from media and White House Press reporting. Sadly, journalism has been reduced to reporting innuendo, accusations and salacious voyeurism by the main stream media. No one knows who they can count on for accurate, non-spun, unbias, information.
The 2nd faux impeachment was as hard to stomach as the first one. Thankfully, that failed too. It is very concerning just how deceptive, corrupt and hateful the Democratic party has become. Of course we all know how useless the GOP has been, and how many RHINOS are still hanging on and doing their damnedest, to return the status quo. I use to agree with some of the social programs and the show of concern the Dem party expressed. But that was when I was a young woman and really not paying attention to the political scene. The Dem party began to change rapidly, in the 70's, and as I began to research and fact-check media it became quite clear the media was not there to share information, but rather to shape public opinion. They had a job. It was to sell the Democratic agenda and hide anything that might shed light in areas that were better left in the dark. It became obvious there was an agenda and it was to be forwarded through rhetoric, propaganda, and lies when necessary. Of course, now they have the additional support of, our Universities, teachers unions, social media platforms, big tech search engines, and Hollywood cancel culture. Now here we are.
Fortunately, although I have no faith in our current government, I do believe in America, and the Constitution is was founded on. I also have great faith in the people of America. At least the American Patriots that are still committed to American values, American Traditions, and the GOD GIVEN rights we all stand for and behind. I have faith that with Prayer and God's grace we can return our country to the home we built and intended for our children's' futures.
So, fellow Patriots, I invite you to reaffirm your commitment to saving America. Restoring our great country to and putting our Constitution back in the heart of our government. Restore our country to a higher moral standing, greater humanitarian compassion, and UNITY! Stop the division of America!
It's Friday! Go have some fun. Relax. Tell someone you love them. Forgive someone. Ask forgiveness from someone. Love each other and keep the FAITH! He is in charge!!!
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